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Abberley Hill

Nearest town: Worcester

Site type: woodland

Access: Public

Church name:


County: Worcestershire

Country: England

Grid ref: SO7634567239

Lost yew site: No

Date visited: 2/2/2024

Recorded by: Rob McBride - Ancient Tree Inventory

Protection & responsibility: Landowner

Yews recorded at this site: Ancient 4m-5m, Ancient 5m-7m, Notable

Notes: This is a Silurian limestone hill. When Lees visited in 1856 he observed that 'the yew-tree is indigenous here certainly; for many yews are scattered about Abberley ridge; and a number present themselves on the northern side of the hill joining Wallsgrove, curiously bent and contorted, from the force of the western wind'. One stood out for him: 'A very old and battered bole stands in a hedge near to a cottage just below the Abberley ridge, which I found to be 27ft. in circumference at a yard from the base. It is much decayed, the foliage remaining on one side only'. It is not known whether this individual survives in an area where many yews have been recorded.

Yew trees at Abberley Hill:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
3418 Abberley Hill Ancient 5m-7m 560cm at 90cm - view more info
6906 Abberley Hill Ancient 4m-5m 450cm at 100cm - view more info
6905 Abberley Hill Ancient 4m-5m 390cm at 150cm - view more info
6908 Abberley Hill Notable 390cm at 90cm - view more info
6909 Abberley Hill Notable 345cm at 80cm - view more info
6907 Abberley Hill Notable 320cm at 50cm - view more info