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Barskeoch - near Dalry

Nearest town: Dumfries

Site type: historic site

Access: Private

Church name: No Data


County: Dumfries and Galloway

Country: Scotland

Grid ref: not known

Lost yew site: No

Date visited: No data

Recorded by: Robert Hutchison 1890

Protection & responsibility: No data

Yews recorded at this site: Notable

Notes: Barskeoch Hill is found NW of St John's Town of Dalry. The only clues Hutchison leaves about this location is the following: 'This place appears to have been of some importance in bygone times. It belonged to an old family called Newalls. The remains of a fine archway, and a small artificial mound are still to be seen, but no tradition remains at the present day, either regarding the old yew trees themselves, or any historical record of the site or buildings near where they stand'.

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Yew trees at Barskeoch - near Dalry:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
2365 Barskeoch - near Dalry Images Currently Unavailable Notable No data available - view more info