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Nearest town: Bangor

Site type: churchyard

Access: Public

Church name: St Mary

Diocese: Bangor

County: Conwy

Country: Wales

Grid ref: SH77687039

Lost yew site: No

Date visited: 9-Apr-98

Recorded by: Tim Hills

Protection & responsibility: Church in Wales

Yews recorded at this site: Ancient 5m-7m

Notes: The site is shared with the Roman fort called Canovium. In addition to the two ancient, a further 6 younger yews were noted.

Site files:

Yew trees at Caerhun:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
318 Caerhun Ancient 5m-7m 549cm at 30cm - view more info
319 Caerhun Ancient 5m-7m 523cm at 5cm - view more info