Nearest town: Barnsley
Site type: churchyard
Access: Public
Church name: All Saints
Diocese: Wakefield
County: Yorkshire - South
Country: England
Grid ref: SE2849807963
Lost yew site: Yes
Date visited: 20-Apr-08
Recorded by: Allan Broadhead
Protection & responsibility: Conservation Area
Yews recorded at this site: Lost
Notes: A Conservation Area churchyard at which one yew has been felled and several others 'topped and lopped' to reduce their height to between 2.5m and 3.5m. The Church Council submitted proposals for the tree works, a site meeting was held at which the local authority Tree Officer was represented by a Temporary Forestry Officer. Reasons for this drastic action are given as (1) structural damage to buildings or boundary walls (2) the overshadowing of the gardens of neighbouring properties (3) the blocking of light to a church window.
Tree ID | Location | Photo | Yews recorded | Girth |
2893 | Cawthorne - Barnsley | Lost | No data available - view more info |