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Silvington - High Lane

Nearest town: Cleobury Mortimer

Site type: footpath/road

Access: Public

Church name: No Data

Diocese: No Data

County: Shropshire

Country: England

Grid ref: SO61908037

Lost yew site: No

Date visited: 12-Dec-15

Recorded by: Paul Wood

Protection & responsibility: Landowner

Yews recorded at this site: Ancient 4m-5m, Ancient 5m-7m, Notable

Notes: During the two hours I spent in this lane I saw only one person on a horse. I assume that the two trees in the lane (B and C) are only noticed when branches that either stray over the road or neighbouring field are removed. Taken with the two yews growing in adjacent fields, A on a public footpath and D on private land, the four trees form a line across the landscape roughly east to west. They appear to to mark the site of a former routeway (shown in red) before the existence of the present road. This was possibly a ploughed out hollow way or bank and ditch, which is still just visible. Tree D (inaccessible) is by far the largest of the four and tree A (accessible) the most interesting.

Yew trees at Silvington - High Lane:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
4810 Silvington - High Lane Ancient 5m-7m 593cm at 120cm - view more info
4807 Silvington - High Lane Ancient 4m-5m 488cm - view more info
4808 Silvington - High Lane Ancient 4m-5m 417cm - view more info
4806 Silvington - High Lane Notable 348cm at 35cm - view more info