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Tree ID: 4051

Yews recorded: Lost

Tree girth: No data

Girth height: not measured

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: 5-Feb-13

Source of earliest mention: 1997: Toby Hindson


February 2013 – Peter Norton: The lost yew, felled about 15 years ago, is thought to have been damaged by storms. Girth at 1′ was 8′ 6” (258cm) and the study below shows that the yew was between 270 and 300 years old. http://www.ancient-yew.org/userfiles/file/Studies%20of%20Felled%20Yews.pdf

Image Currently Unavailable

Yew trees at Aldershot:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
4050 Aldershot Images Currently Unavailable Notable 363cm at 30cm - view more info
4051 Aldershot Images Currently Unavailable Lost No data available - view more info