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Tree ID: 251

Yews recorded: Ancient 7m+

Tree girth: 788cm

Girth height: at the ground

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 27-Feb-99

Source of earliest mention: 1822: Described by J.G.Strutt in Silva Brittanica (1958 E.W.Swanton)


February 1999 Tim Hills: A well documented tree. Growing both internally and externally. It is one of ’50 Great British Trees’ chosen to celebrate the Queen’s jubilee year. I recorded a girth of 25′ 10” (788cm) at the ground.
June 2007 – Dave Kenny: Girth of 7.90 at the ground and 7.98 at 30 cm.
October 2008 – Chris Knapman: It has a branch rooted in two places on one side of the pricipal tree that is throwing out a new tree, while still connected to its parent- a walking Yew. Inner structure superb, aerial roots with bark, forming new stems in an intricate network- a woody waterfall! A tree within a tree but interconnected without real boundaries.
June 2013 – Peter Norton: Suggestions that a boardwalk and even a fence might be constructed to reduce/negate root compaction, would leave the tree looking very different in the future. Girth of 26′ 0” (792cm) at the ground recorded.

Yew trees at Ankerwyke:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
251 Ankerwyke Ancient 7m+ 788cm at the ground - view more info