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Ashford Carbonell

Tree ID: 260

Yews recorded: Lost

Tree girth: 645cm

Girth height: No data

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 31-Oct-97

Source of earliest mention: 1939: The King's England - Arthur Mee


October 1997 – Tim Hills: I understood the tree to be under threat of felling so that the church could be extended. Girth was 21′ 2″ both at the ground and at 3′.
In 2005 the tree appeared in poor health but by 2007 was producing much new foliage.
It was felled in November 2011. Within days all trace of the tree had been removed and the ground levelled. The tree consisted of a large fragment which divided at 6′ into 2 main branches.

Yew trees at Ashford Carbonell:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
258 Ashford Carbonell Ancient 5m-7m 658cm at the ground - view more info
260 Ashford Carbonell Lost 645cm - view more info
256 Ashford Carbonell Ancient 5m-7m 610cm estimated - view more info
257 Ashford Carbonell Ancient 5m-7m 564cm at the ground - view more info
259 Ashford Carbonell Ancient 5m-7m 533cm at top of wall - view more info