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Aylesford - The Friars

Tree ID: 4836

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: No data

Girth height: not measured

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: 5-Apr-06

Source of earliest mention: 2006: Cliff Hansford


5 of the remaining 6 yews are found along the raised bank which surrounds the inner part of the garden, now an event area. Their girths range from 8′ to 21′. Grid references are given for each of these (accurate to 7m). The first, at TQ7246059023 is male, inundated by ivy. At least 11 substantial branches/limbs have been removed from this tree between the ground and 5′. Next, at TQ7247359030, is male and a healthy looking specimen, in spite of a large number of burrows under and around the tree. A large cluster of severed branches/limbs are seen at the base of the tree on the south side. Next, at TQ7248859033, is male with many removed branches/limbs, the largest of which had a circumference of 6′ 3”. Next, the only female of the 9 trees at this site, is at TQ7251458989. This is in the east corner of the garden, right on the edge of the embankment. Its trunk divides into two at a height of about 7′. Lastly a male at TQ7249458995, at the bottom of the embankment.

Yew trees at Aylesford - The Friars:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
4837 Aylesford - The Friars Notable No data available - view more info
4836 Aylesford - The Friars Notable No data available - view more info
2419 Aylesford - The Friars Notable No data available - view more info