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Tree ID: 278

Yews recorded: Ancient 5m-7m

Tree girth: 622cm

Girth height: at the ground

Tree sex: female

Date of visit: 17-Apr-01

Source of earliest mention: 1996: Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust


April 2001 – Tim Hills: Tree 1 on the plan. A much trimmed knobbly bole and a hollow which closes over above head height. The following girths were recorded: 20′ 5” (622cm) at the base, 18′ 0” (549cm) at 3′ and 17′ 8” (538cm) at 5′.
2009 – Verified by Owen Johnson for Ancient Tree Hunt 29431. Girth of 622cm at 10cm recorded.
2014 – Tim Hills: A girth of 21′ 1” (643cm) at the ground and 18′ 5” at 5′ (561cm) were recorded.

Yew trees at Berriew:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
278 Berriew Ancient 5m-7m 622cm at the ground - view more info
1297 Berriew Ancient 4m-5m 414cm at 30cm - view more info