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Tree ID: 1824

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: 376cm

Girth height: No data

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 25-Apr-04

Source of earliest mention: 1995: Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust


April 2004 Tim Hills: A small girthed hollow yew filled with internal growth, SSE of the church. Girth was 12′ 4” (376cm) at 1′.
March 2016 – Paul Wood: The yew has a twisty, gnarled bole. It was measured at a height of 3′ 4” (1.02m) on the north side, which seemed to be the narrowest point. A girth of 12′ 4” (376cm) was recorded. In the hollow at least three internal stems could be seen. There was much yellow foliage.

Yew trees at Bleddfa:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
1825 Bleddfa Ancient 4m-5m 442cm at 240cm - view more info
1824 Bleddfa Notable 376cm - view more info