Tree ID: 3591
Yews recorded: Ancient 7m+
Tree girth: 793cm
Girth height: at 30cm
Tree sex: male
Date of visit: 12-Aug-11
Source of earliest mention: 2011: Peter Norton
Notes:The tree was perhaps one of the marker yews that line the Cranborne to Knowlton road. It is an impressive yew that must be around 60ft in height and grows close to the road. Evidence of much adventitious growth which has almost died back, leaving a rough textured bole. Small mammal activity around the roots allowed for viewing into part of the tree. There was no basal cavity. The following girths were recorded: 26′ 0” (793cm) at 1′ and 24′ 2” (737cm) at 3′, with the tape taken behind small branches.
Tree ID | Location | Photo | Yews recorded | Girth |
3591 | Bone Acre Copse | Ancient 7m+ | 793cm at 30cm - view more info |