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Tree ID: 5342

Yews recorded: Ancient 5m-7m

Tree girth: 618cm

Girth height: at 90cm

Tree sex: female

Date of visit: 22-Jul-18

Source of earliest mention: No data


The fluted trunk of this yew appeared intact for its entire circumference. One hole at the base did not seem to penetrate far into the tree. From 120 cm upwards is some bulging from epicormic growth development. The yew’s considerable girth is maintained as its trunk rises above this outpouring of branches at a height of about 4m. A gash in the trunk almost certainly indicates that hollowing is taking place lower down. Girth was recorded beneath the epicormic growth as 6.18 m at 90 cm. A girth of exactly 6 m was recorded at 30 cm. Branches seem to stretch randomly from this tree, though they have been kept clear of the road.

Yew trees at Boutteville:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
5342 Boutteville Ancient 5m-7m 618cm at 90cm - view more info