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Tree ID: 296

Yews recorded: Ancient 5m-7m

Tree girth: 632cm

Girth height: at 30cm

Tree sex: female

Date of visit: 15-Mar-99

Source of earliest mention: 1864: Woolhope Naturalists Field Club Transactions 1866 (R.Bevan-Jones-pers.corres.)


1866 – Woolhope Papers considered the yew to be ‘past its prime’. At that time its girth was given as 18′.
March 1999 – Tim Hills: S. Larger of the pair with a clean, straight bole. The following girths were recorded: 21′ 4″ (650cm) at the ground, 20′ 4″ (620cm) at 1′, 20′ 5″ (622cm) at 3′ and 20′ 2″ (615cm) at 5′.
October 2015 – Peter Norton: The yew has a slight bulbous base and fine upward growth with evidence of many branches being removed over the years. Girths recorded as follows: 20′ 9” (632cm) at 1′, 20′ 9” (632cm) at 2′ where several (slightly undulating) nails mark the height and 21′ 3” (648cm) at 3′.

Yew trees at Breinton:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
296 Breinton Ancient 5m-7m 632cm at 30cm - view more info
297 Breinton Ancient 4m-5m 495cm at the ground - view more info