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Tree ID: 4590

Yews recorded: Lost

Tree girth: No data

Girth height: not measured

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: 13-Aug-97

Source of earliest mention: 1997: Graham Wilkinson


August 1997 – Graham Wilkinson: The 5 surviving trees are as follows:
(A) Male – 11′ at base. Splits from 1′ into two trunks. Mature tree.
(B) Female – 9′ 2″ at 3′, 7′ 11″ at base. Large and mature tree splitting from 6′ into numerous branches.
(C) Female – 9′ 1″ at 3′, 7′ 8″ at base, 7′ 8″ at 4′. Ivy covered, mature tree.
(D) Female – 8′ at base. Trunk split from under 3′.
(E) Male – 7′ 6″ at base. Split from 2′. Mature tree.
(F) marks the site of the lost yew.

Yew trees at Bridekirk:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
4590 Bridekirk Lost No data available - view more info