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Tree ID: 302

Yews recorded: Ancient 5m-7m

Tree girth: 676cm

Girth height: at 30cm

Tree sex: female

Date of visit: 20-Dec-98

Source of earliest mention: 1793: Girth recorded by Loudon (1897- John Lowe)


December 1998 – Tim Hills: Though giving an impression of great solidity, this is a hollow tree. A gap is gradually closing and will eventually close completely, hiding the tree’s hollow centre with its internal stem. Girths recorded as follows: 21′ 5” (653cm) at 1′, 20′ 9″ (632cm) at 3′ and 21′ 6″ (655cm) at 5′.
November 2003 – Russell Cleaver: A splendid yew, almost 20′ 10” (6.35m at 1.1m) girth. A tall erect tree with full canopy. Narrow basal cavity reveals a hollow core.
2006 – Owen Johnson: A height of 15m recorded, a diameter of 203cm, girth of 637cm (20′ 11”) at 0.6m – ‘marginally the narrowest point on good bole with two gaps into the hollow interior’.
2010 – Peter Norton: With the aid of a torch it was possible to see small internal stems growing close to the tree’s surface opposite the entrance. The largest of these was about 6ins round. Girths as follows: 22′ 2” (676cm) at 1′, 21′ 2” (645cm) at 2′ and 21′ 4” (650cm) at 3′.

Yew trees at Brockenhurst:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
302 Brockenhurst Ancient 5m-7m 676cm at 30cm - view more info
6637 Brockenhurst Images Currently Unavailable Lost No data available - view more info