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Tree ID: 3992

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: No data

Girth height: not measured

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: 3-Sep-12

Source of earliest mention: 1894: Notes on the churchyards of Cheshire - Glynne


September 2012: Alistair Wrenn: The 18 trees begin with that on the left after entering the churchyard, continuing clockwise.
(1) west-167cm at 1.2m. Clean bole, good condition.
(2) west-169cm at 1.2m. Single stem, clean bole.
(3) west/north-232cm at 1.1m. 1 bole to 2m then heavy branching, some dieback.
(4) north-216cm at 1.1m. Forks at 2m, some dieback.
(5) north-296cm at 1m. Clean bole to 3m, extensive dieback.
(6) north/east-246cm at 0.5m. Clean to 2m, good condition.
(7) east-220cm at 0.7m. 1 main stem to 4m, good condition.
(8) east-226cm at 0.9m. Split at 3m, good condition.
(9) east-188cm at 0.4m.
(10) east-192cm at 0.7m. Heavy split at 2m, poor shape, some dieback.
(11) east/south-225cm at 0.6m. Rather scrubby.
(12) south-150cm at 1.2m. OK condition.
(13) south-170cm at 0.7m. Just alive, rather scrubby.
(14) south-225cm at 0.6m. Splits into 4 at 2m.
(15) south-197cm at 0.8m. Just alive, poor shape, splits at 1m.
(16) south/west-193cm at 1m. Just alive.
(17) west-206cm at 1.2m. Good condition, previously trimmed, clean to 4m.
(18) west-228cm at 1.2m. Good condition, previously trimmed, clean to 4m.

Image Currently Unavailable

Yew trees at Bruera:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
3992 Bruera Images Currently Unavailable Notable No data available - view more info