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Tree ID: 4881

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: 330cm

Girth height: average girth

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: 15-Mar-99

Source of earliest mention: 1866: Woolhope Naturalists Field Club Transactions


December 2014 – Tim Hills: Nine of the 10 yews that grow on the south and east sides of the churchyard were measured. Their average girth was 10′ 10”.
2016 – Paul Wood measured these trees and they appear as follows:
Tree A (photo 1) – 335cm at root crown
Tree B (photo 2) – 254cm at root crown
Tree D (photo 3) – 373cm at 15cm
Tree E (photo 4) – 315cm at the ground
Tree F (photo 5) – 399cm at root crown
Tree G (photo 6) – 315cm at 60cm
Tree H (photo 7) – 259cm at root crown
Tree I (photo 8) – 254cm at the ground
Tree J (photo 9) – 422cm at root crown
Tree K (photo 10) 315cm at narrowest point beneath limb.

Yew trees at Burghill:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
311 Burghill Ancient 7m+ 739cm at 150cm - view more info
4881 Burghill Notable 330cm average girth - view more info
4880 Burghill Notable 147cm average girth - view more info