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Tree ID: 1106

Yews recorded: Ancient 5m-7m

Tree girth: 508cm

Girth height: at 150cm

Tree sex: female

Date of visit: 15-Feb-98

Source of earliest mention: 1867: Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club Transactions


1867: A girth of 16′ 2” (493cm) at 5′ was recorded in Woolhope.
February 2012 – Tim Hills: Girth had increased to 16′ 8” (508cm) at 5′. Large areas of old sapwood can be seen, with new growth gradually covering these. One of these, about 2′ across can be followed high into the tree. Decaying heartwood could be seen in some of the spaces. Tree 4 on the plan.

Yew trees at Capel-y-ffin:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
1081 Capel-y-ffin Ancient 5m-7m 645cm at 150cm - view more info
1106 Capel-y-ffin Ancient 5m-7m 508cm at 150cm - view more info
1110 Capel-y-ffin Ancient 4m-5m 490cm at 30cm - view more info
1108 Capel-y-ffin Ancient 4m-5m 470cm at 150cm - view more info
1109 Capel-y-ffin Ancient 4m-5m 422cm at 135cm - view more info
1107 Capel-y-ffin Ancient 4m-5m 417cm at 150cm - view more info
326 Capel-y-ffin Ancient 4m-5m 417cm at 150cm - view more info