Tree ID: 4217
Yews recorded: Notable
Tree girth: No data
Girth height: not measured
Tree sex: unspecified
Date of visit: 1-Mar-12
Source of earliest mention: 2012: Peter Norton
Notes:The largest girthed yew (photo 1) is found in Knight Wood at SU4223621046. It is male, with branches trying to self layer, and had a girth of 13′ 2” (401cm) at 2′. In the same wood at SU4269520832 is a female that has layered, producing four juveniles growing on the immediate drip line of the parent tree. Two of these are seen here (photo 2). Girth of the parent was 9′ 5” at the root crown. In Clothiers Copse at SU4180621375 is a male yew competing with an oak (photo 3). The yew’s branches have reached the ground and as well as providing extra support will probably layer. Girth was 11′ 5” (348cm) at 3′.
Tree ID | Location | Photo | Yews recorded | Girth |
4217 | Chandler's Ford - Valley Park Woods | Notable | No data available - view more info |