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Chew Stoke

Tree ID: 5495

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: No data

Girth height: not measured

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 18-Jan-04

Source of earliest mention: 1941: The King's England - Arthur Mee


January 2004 – Tim Hills: The smaller girthed of the two yews at Chew Stoke, it grows SSW of the church. It has not been measured, but is probably only about 8′ in girth. The tree was topped at a height of about 10′ sometime in the past and this has led to its decay. This is seen on the south side, where rotting heartwood and internal stem development can be seen. A horseshoe hollow shape is developing.

Yew trees at Chew Stoke:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
1724 Chew Stoke Notable 371cm at 30cm - view more info
5495 Chew Stoke Notable No data available - view more info