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Tree ID: 4639

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: 348cm

Girth height: at 5cm

Tree sex: female

Date of visit: 27-Apr-15

Source of earliest mention: 1995: Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust


April 2015 – Tim Hills: This yew with sparse foliage grows close to the south porch. It is hollowed out and its original trunk appears to have been cut off at a height of about 6′. It is around this that the new tree has developed. Ivy has been allowed to take over this tree and filled the crown. Girth was 11′ 5” (348cm) between the ground and 6”.

Yew trees at Churchstoke:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
358 Churchstoke Ancient 5m-7m 589cm at the ground - view more info
4640 Churchstoke Ancient 4m-5m 495cm at the ground - view more info
4639 Churchstoke Notable 348cm at 5cm - view more info