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Clints Scar

Tree ID: 3460

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: 399cm

Girth height: at 50cm

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: 28-Sep-10

Source of earliest mention: 2010: Tim Laurie


Ancient Tree Hunt 62709. Grid reference NZ09520207.

Yew trees at Clints Scar:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
3459 Clints Scar Ancient 5m-7m 640cm at 50cm - view more info
3461 Clints Scar Ancient 5m-7m 507cm at 50cm - view more info
3457 Clints Scar Ancient 4m-5m 440cm at 50cm - view more info
3455 Clints Scar Ancient 4m-5m 440cm at 50cm - view more info
3462 Clints Scar Notable 399cm at 50cm - view more info
3460 Clints Scar Notable 399cm at 50cm - view more info
3458 Clints Scar Notable 399cm at 50cm - view more info
3456 Clints Scar Lost No data available - view more info