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Tree ID: 362

Yews recorded: Ancient 7m+

Tree girth: 1042cm

Girth height: at the ground

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 12-Aug-98

Source of earliest mention: 1860: All Around the Wrekin


August 1998 – Tim Hills: The remaining fragments of this ancient yew are a confusion of old and new growth and of living and dead wood. A girth of 34′ 2” around the base of all the fragments was recorded.
June 1998 – The Caring for God’s Acre project have supplied the following information from a report carried out at Clun churchyard in June 1998 by Peter Norman Dip.Arb(RFS). ‘It is one of a group of trees of national importance thought in many cases to be over 1,000 years old. The hollow cylinder has been broken up in the past and new wood developed over the edges of some of the breaks to create, in effect, three main stems with complete bark cover growing out of the remains of the original circle of wood’. November 2015 – Paul Wood: Difficult to photograph and impossible to measure. The fragments of trunk looked similar to the 1998 photograph, but on the outside the tree is developing a thick mass of twiggy growth. It is possible that it might eventually cover and hide the outside portions of its trunk. It appears to have plenty of life and was exceptionally green.

Yew trees at Clun:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
362 Clun Ancient 7m+ 1042cm at the ground - view more info
363 Clun Ancient 5m-7m 589cm at the ground - view more info
4787 Clun Ancient 4m-5m 483cm at the ground - view more info