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Tree ID: 377

Yews recorded: Ancient 7m+

Tree girth: 732cm

Girth height: near ground

Tree sex: female

Date of visit: 18-Sep-98

Source of earliest mention: 1865: A handbook for travellers in Surrey, Hampshire, and the Isle of Wight-King and Murray


September 1998 – Tim Hills: The yew is SE of the church. It has a clean bole and branches that have been allowed to reach the ground and become embedded in the soil. Girths of 23′ 6” (716cm) at the base, 25′ 1” (765cm) at 3′ and 23′ 4” (711cm) at 5′ recorded.
September 1999 – Tim Hills: Girths of 23′ 4” (711cm) at the ground, 25′ 1” (765cm) at 3′.
1999 – Russell Cleaver: A dark solemn large crowned tree, 23′ 4” (7.11m at 1.1m) girth, concealing a lovely, small Saxon church, tucked away beside the A32 at Meonstoke.
2010 – Peter Norton: Girth near to the ground 24′ 0” (732cm) below the bulge and 23′ 6” (716cm) at 5′, above the bulge.
2011 – Steve Waters: Girth of 716cm at 1.4m recorded.

Yew trees at Corhampton:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
377 Corhampton Ancient 7m+ 732cm near ground - view more info