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Tree ID: 1762

Yews recorded: Ancient 4m-5m

Tree girth: 411cm

Girth height: at 60cm

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 27-Mar-04

Source of earliest mention: 1937: The King's England - Arthur Mee


April 2004 Tim Hills: The old yew grows ENE of the church. It had a girth of 13′ 3” (404cm) at 2′.
December 2011 – Peter Norton: Girth of 13′ 6” (411cm) at 2′ recorded. The yew was nearly felled many years ago. This story has already become folklore with more than one version of events in circulation. www.didling.org.uk/exploreDidling.htm describes it as ‘nearly cut down by mistake, but fortunately a member of the congregation, Mr Armstrong Wills (A.A. of Punch Magazine) was passing by and stopped it’. Saw marks are still clearly visible close to the ground.

Yew trees at Didling:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
1762 Didling Ancient 4m-5m 411cm at 60cm - view more info