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Ellerton Scar

Tree ID: 3434

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: 399cm

Girth height: at 50cm

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: 28-Nov-10

Source of earliest mention: 2010: Tim Laurie


Ancient Tree Hunt 68482 – Grid reference SE08769678. The yew has been dwarfed and stunted by long exposure to the NW winds. It is however in good foliage and is one of the smallest yews on Ellerton Scar, although not necessarily the youngest.

Yew trees at Ellerton Scar:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
3437 Ellerton Scar Ancient 5m-7m 500cm at 50cm - view more info
3438 Ellerton Scar Notable 399cm at 50cm - view more info
3436 Ellerton Scar Notable 399cm at 50cm - view more info
3434 Ellerton Scar Notable 399cm at 50cm - view more info
3435 Ellerton Scar Notable 300cm at 50cm - view more info