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Ewhurst Green

Tree ID: 2657

Yews recorded: Lost

Tree girth: No data

Girth height: not measured

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: 7-Aug-07

Source of earliest mention: 2002: Parish News


All that remains can be seen in the photographs. It seems that only a portion of the tree had died and permission was given for the dead section to be removed.
Owen Johnson 2008: The tree was a branchy one recorded by Alan Mitchell as 12m x 103cm diameter in 1986. In 2002 one half of the crown died (there was a bit about this on the local TV), leading to an assumption that it was actually two female trees bundled together. The dead half was cut down in 2003; at this stage the other half was still healthy. But if it was honey fungus it is very likely to have spread.

Yew trees at Ewhurst Green:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
2657 Ewhurst Green Lost No data available - view more info