Tree ID: 4067
Yews recorded: Ancient 4m-5m
Tree girth: 406cm
Girth height: not recorded
Tree sex: male
Date of visit: 28-Feb-13
Source of earliest mention: 2013: Peter Norton
Notes:These are the three largest yews close to the public footpath and all are male.
(1) SU6089111007 with a girth of 13′ 8” (417cm) at root crown with seven main stems from a 4′ break of crown.
(2) SU6096911079 with a girth of 12′ 3” (373cm) at root crown with evidence of hollowing. Badger sett but unsure if it is active.
(3) SU6088711115 with a girth of 11′ 5” (348cm) at 1′ 6” having a 7′ break of crown and evidence of layering.
Tree ID | Location | Photo | Yews recorded | Girth |
4067 | Goathouse Copse - Forest of Bere | Ancient 4m-5m | 406cm not recorded - view more info |