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Hanter Hill

Tree ID: 4485

Yews recorded: Lost

Tree girth: No data

Girth height: not measured

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: 1-Sep-18

Source of earliest mention: 2018: Paul Wood


The tree appears to have broken many years ago and what is left on the ground suggests that it was hollow and in excess of 20′ in girth. It appears to have succumbed to the elements, and this is backed up by the present landowners who told me that when the land was acquired about 30 years ago, a young tree was growing from the old stump. During a really bad storm the young tree itself succumbed to a night of heavy rain and high winds. The top half of the tree was quickly removed as the landowners keep horses and stock. In 2018 I noted some colour on its north side of the tree, which remained upright when it fell, and will return in future years to see if the tree lives on.

Yew trees at Hanter Hill:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
4485 Hanter Hill Lost No data available - view more info