Hoe Cross -near

Tree ID: 4714

Yews recorded: Ancient 7m+

Tree girth: 702cm

Girth height: at 5cm

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 24-Aug-15

Source of earliest mention: 2015: Andrew Powling


The yew grows from a low flat bank, the shape of which suggests a possible tribal boundary as opposed to typical earth banks associated with medieval woodland management. It had a girth of 23′ 0½” (702cm) at its narrowest point close to the ground and increases to around 25′ at 3′. It has an 8′ break of crown from which are four main areas of growth. One large branch on the west side of the bole has long been lost and here hollowing could be observed, though the rest of the tree appeared solid.

Yew trees at Hoe Cross -near:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
4714 Hoe Cross -near Ancient 7m+ 702cm at 5cm - view more info