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La Lucerne-d' Outremer

Tree ID: 1339

Yews recorded: Ancient 7m+

Tree girth: 734cm

Girth height: at the ground

Tree sex: female

Date of visit: 8-Aug-00

Source of earliest mention: 1847: Avrachin Monumental et Historique - Edoard Le Hericher


August 2000 – Tim Hills: The tree is about the same height as the church. Through many holes and gaps can be seen internal growth. The space also being used as a place to dump rubbish. The tree has at some stage been covered in ivy and crude attempts made to cut this back have left saw marks on the bole.
2013 – Wim Peeters: A hollow tree with internal growth. Several low branches have been removed. On the SW side the crown has a thin appearance, but in comparison with the photo of Henri Gadeau de Kerville in 1929, the tree is recovering well. Girth in 2013 recorded as 818cm at 150cm.
In 2009 a girth of 8.10m at a height of 1.30m was recorded by Georges Feterman.

Yew trees at La Lucerne-d' Outremer:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
1339 La Lucerne-d' Outremer Ancient 7m+ 734cm at the ground - view more info