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Tree ID: 2291

Yews recorded: Ancient 5m-7m

Tree girth: 574cm

Girth height: No data

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 5-Aug-98

Source of earliest mention: 1775: Rev Sir John Cullum -Suffolk Record Office


August 1998 – Tim Hills: Yew 9 grows SSE of the church. It is of solid appearance and lower branches have been removed. Girth exaggerated by dense twiggy growth.
2017 Paul Wood: Tree 9 on the plan. The yew grows on a low mound. A girth of 18′ 10” (574cm) was recorded at the ground, though this was quite difficult with long twiggy growth around a large part of the bole. It had a deep green foliage and healthy looking crown. No problems were noted but it was striking how much one side of the tree had been cut back to minimise the overhang out of the churchyard. The tree consequently has a very lop-sided appearance.

Yew trees at Llanspyddid:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
185 Llanspyddid Ancient 7m+ 838cm at 5cm - view more info
2291 Llanspyddid Ancient 5m-7m 574cm - view more info
2292 Llanspyddid Ancient 4m-5m 426cm - view more info
2290 Llanspyddid Ancient 4m-5m 426cm - view more info
2293 Llanspyddid Lost 396cm - view more info
5231 Llanspyddid Lost No data available - view more info
5230 Llanspyddid Lost No data available - view more info
5229 Llanspyddid Notable No data available - view more info