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Tree ID: 214

Yews recorded: Ancient 5m-7m

Tree girth: 660cm

Girth height: at 107cm

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 6-Apr-98

Source of earliest mention: 1834: Lewis's Topographical Dictionary of Wales


SE of the church. Reg Wheeler recorded a girth of 660cm (21′ 8”) at 3′ 6” in 1983.
In 1998 we recorded approximately 22′ at 5′.
It is see here in 2009.

Yew trees at Llanycil:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
214 Llanycil Ancient 5m-7m 660cm at 107cm - view more info
212 Llanycil Ancient 5m-7m 579cm at 90cm - view more info
213 Llanycil Ancient 5m-7m 540cm at 99cm - view more info
216 Llanycil Ancient 5m-7m 535cm at 107cm - view more info
215 Llanycil Ancient 5m-7m 518cm at 150cm - view more info
1795 Llanycil Images Currently Unavailable Lost No data available - view more info