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Merthyr Cynog

Tree ID: 2286

Yews recorded: Ancient 5m-7m

Tree girth: 541cm

Girth height: at root crown

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 5-Aug-98

Source of earliest mention: 1849: A Topographical Dictionary of Wales


Tim Hills – August 1998: Tree 2 on the plan grows SE of the church. It is a disjointed jumble of growth from which rise several upright branches.
September 2006: Approximate girth of 18′ obtained by pulling tape tight around springy growth at the base. The confusion of branches appears to be regrowth following collapse of the original tree.
February 2014 – Girth range 17′ to 17′ 6” close to ground.
May 2017 Paul Wood: Yew 2 as previously recorded. I noted what appeared to be the remains of old stump between the present tree and the church suggesting that what we see today might be the remnants of a once bigger tree. The area beneath the tree was carpeted in ivy and the dead wood of broken branches. Ivy was also beginning to climb into the tree. There was much twiggy growth and the foliage was deep green. Girth was 17′ 9” (541cm) at the root crown.

Yew trees at Merthyr Cynog:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
594 Merthyr Cynog Ancient 7m+ 762cm - view more info
2286 Merthyr Cynog Ancient 5m-7m 541cm at root crown - view more info
595 Merthyr Cynog Ancient 5m-7m 508cm at 30cm - view more info
2288 Merthyr Cynog Ancient 4m-5m 442cm at 5cm - view more info
2287 Merthyr Cynog Ancient 4m-5m 439cm at 5cm - view more info
4267 Merthyr Cynog Ancient 4m-5m 422cm at 5cm - view more info