Tree ID: 2206
Yews recorded: Ancient 4m-5m
Tree girth: 465cm
Girth height: at 90cm
Tree sex: male
Date of visit: 4-Mar-06
Source of earliest mention: 2006: Cliff Hansford
Notes:The largest yew so far discovered in Mote Park is pictured here. It is hollow at the base. At TQ7826954985 is another large male with a girth of 13′ 0” (396cm) at 3′ and a canopy spread of 66′.
Tree ID | Location | Photo | Yews recorded | Girth |
2206 | Mote Park - Maidstone | Ancient 4m-5m | 465cm at 90cm - view more info | |
2038 | Mote Park - Maidstone | Notable | No data available - view more info |