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Tree ID: 612

Yews recorded: Ancient 7m+

Tree girth: 747cm

Girth height: at 120cm

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 8-Aug-99

Source of earliest mention: 1880: Journal of the Derby Arch. and Nat.Hist. Soc.


August 1999 – Tim Hills: An elongated shell with a 5′ section of dead wood. Decay will leave two fragment trees. Girth: 24′ 6″ (747cm) at 4′ and 22′ 6″ (686cm) at the ground.
The old photo appears in the Parish Pump News, Autumn 2006. The caption reads: Revd Randle Feilden (Rector of Mugginton 1869-1913) and Miss Choice (School Mistress) take tea in the Yew.

Yew trees at Mugginton:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
612 Mugginton Ancient 7m+ 747cm at 120cm - view more info
613 Mugginton Images Currently Unavailable Notable 209cm at 120cm - view more info