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Tree ID: 3080

Yews recorded: Ancient 4m-5m

Tree girth: 427cm

Girth height: at 90cm

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 8-Sep-09

Source of earliest mention: 1884: Notes on Papplewick - Mrs Riley


1884: Girth was recorded as 14′. Its hollow cavity was noted with the description of ‘a young sapling sprung up in the cavity’.
2009 – Tim Hills: The young sapling is undoubtedly an internal stem, and it could still just be seen through the timbers which had been hammered onto the tree. The tombstone lying close to the tree bears the date 17th April 1667. We can only speculate whether this yew was planted for Alfred Sadler or whether he was buried beneath an already old and established yew. The tree is reported locally to be about 350 years old, but could be older.
I recorded girth as follows: 13′ 2” (401cm) at the height of the surrounding seat, 14′ 0” (427cm) at 3′ and 14′ 11” (455cm) at 4′. This suggests a slow rate of growth.

Yew trees at Papplewick:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
3080 Papplewick Ancient 4m-5m 427cm at 90cm - view more info