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Tree ID: 823

Yews recorded: Lost

Tree girth: No data

Girth height: not measured

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: 1-Sep-99

Source of earliest mention: 1996: Toby Hindson


Tim Hills – 1999: The yew, with a girth of 887cm, was apparently destroyed by branch removal (Toby Hindson). The stump remains almost intact to a height of about 8′.
Russell Cleaver – August 1999: The 7′ high dead stump was half covered in brambles. Girth of stump about 24′.

Yew trees at Privett:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
2086 Privett Images Currently Unavailable Notable 273cm at 110cm - view more info
823 Privett Lost No data available - view more info