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Tree ID: 5129

Yews recorded: Ancient 4m-5m

Tree girth: 419cm

Girth height: at 5cm

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: 24-May-16

Source of earliest mention: 2016: Tim Hills


May 2016 – Tim Hills: The yew furthest east is twin stemmed, with these two further dividing. Girth was 13′ 9” (419cm) close to the ground.

Yew trees at Rodden:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
5128 Rodden Ancient 5m-7m 536cm at 5cm - view more info
5129 Rodden Ancient 4m-5m 419cm at 5cm - view more info
5070 Rodden Notable 391cm at 5cm - view more info