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Tree ID: 5080

Yews recorded: Ancient 4m-5m

Tree girth: 452cm

Girth height: at 60cm

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: 26-Oct-15

Source of earliest mention: 2015: Tim Hills


October 2015 – Tim Hills: The most westerly of the pair. Above its 8′ high bole rise many thick branches. A gap on its east side shows that hollowing is taking place. A fallen branch on the east side leans and comes to rest in tree 2. Girth over thick ivy was 14′ 10” (452cm) at 2′ and 16′ 4” (498cm) at 4′.

Yew trees at Skilgate:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
5080 Skilgate Ancient 4m-5m 452cm at 60cm - view more info
5098 Skilgate Ancient 4m-5m 429cm at 30cm - view more info