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South Harting

Tree ID: 3240

Yews recorded: Ancient 7m+

Tree girth: 853cm

Girth height: No data

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 3-Apr-10

Source of earliest mention: 2009: Tim Hills


This exceptional hollowed out tree had perhaps 20′ to 30′ of its crown removed in the 1930s as the house owner tried to deal with a smoking chimney problem. Its truncated main branches develop from the bole at a height of about 15′. Its canopy today might look thin, but the growth on its new branches that have sprouted since that time is healthy. There is also much new growth on the trunk where it emerges from the raised ground. The base of the tree is on two levels; it is not clear how it came to be like this. Girth around the lower part of the tree is well over 28′ (853cm), while even at a height of about 7′ it is above 20′ (610cm).

Yew trees at South Harting:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
3240 South Harting Ancient 7m+ 853cm - view more info