Tree ID: 2864
Yews recorded: Notable
Tree girth: No data
Girth height: not measured
Tree sex: unspecified
Date of visit: 29-Feb-08
Source of earliest mention: 1998: Colin Howes - Ancient Yew trees in the Doncaster Landscape
Notes:In 1998 Colin Howes measured 34 specimens that form part of a ‘curious avenue, mysteriously marking out the ghost of a woodland ride’. He found girths ranging from 3′ to 9′ 4”, with a mean of 5′ 7” – similar to those in nearby Sprotbrough chruchyard.
Edwin Pretty recorded 84 specimens of yew in this gorge at the end of February 2008.
Tree ID | Location | Photo | Yews recorded | Girth |
2864 | Sprotbrough - Pot Ridings Wood | Notable | No data available - view more info |