Tree ID: 5281
Yews recorded: Lost
Tree girth: No data
Girth height: not measured
Tree sex: unspecified
Date of visit: 2-Apr-18
Source of earliest mention: 2017: Martin Garwood
Notes:Fairthorne House, at TQ614430, no longer exists. It was pulled down because it stood in the way of devopment work on the A21. Along with the buildings, trees too were felled, including these yews. The yew in the 1st photo stood in the front garden of the house, that in the 2nd photo was in the back garden. The sign ‘moderate potential’ related to bat protection.
Tree ID | Location | Photo | Yews recorded | Girth |
5281 | Tonbridge - A21 road widening | Lost | No data available - view more info |