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Tree ID: 1907

Yews recorded: Ancient 5m-7m

Tree girth: 605cm

Girth height: at narrowest

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 10-Sep-04

Source of earliest mention: 1996: Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust


September 2004 – Tim Hills: Close to the church’s south porch. A series of young looking branches around the edges of and in the centre of a bole of about 2’/3′. Girth of 19′ 10” (605cm) at the tree’s narrowest near the ground exaggerated by low growth.
June 2008 – Russell Cleaver: The largest yew is a tall male, 4 major and 1 minor leaders; I measured it as 650cm (21′ 4”).

Yew trees at Trelystan:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
1907 Trelystan Ancient 5m-7m 605cm at narrowest - view more info
1908 Trelystan Notable 394cm at 90cm - view more info
1909 Trelystan Notable 388cm at 90cm - view more info
4642 Trelystan Notable 381cm at 5cm - view more info