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Tree ID: 803

Yews recorded: Ancient 5m-7m

Tree girth: 549cm

Girth height: at 60cm

Tree sex: female

Date of visit: 1-Apr-99

Source of earliest mention: 1892: The Yew-Trees of Britain and Ireland (1897) John Lowe


April 1999 – Tim Hills: One of a pair of yews growing on the NW side of the church. This one grows closest to the path and is on the left in the final two photos. A large internal stem can be seen in its hollow centre. Girth was just over 18′ (549cm) at 2′.

Yew trees at Ulcombe:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
801 Ulcombe Ancient 7m+ 996cm at the ground - view more info
800 Ulcombe Ancient 7m+ 963cm at the ground - view more info
802 Ulcombe Ancient 5m-7m 620cm at 150cm - view more info
803 Ulcombe Ancient 5m-7m 549cm at 60cm - view more info