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West Tytherley - North Lane

Tree ID: 3383

Yews recorded: Ancient 4m-5m

Tree girth: 440cm

Girth height: above roots

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 8-Apr-11

Source of earliest mention: 2011: Peter Norton


Peter Norton – 2011: The first two photos show a male yew with a short bole measured near the root crown. Google Map 51.082876,-1.614722 There is a thick ivy stem, but this has been calculated out of the final measurement of 14′ 5” (440cm) above the roots. A further 5 yews here.
Hugo Egleston – 2020: Male yew at SU2718231345, measured with difficulty through skirt of small branches as 16′ 8” at 3′ (508cm). photo 3
Male yew at SU2716931385. A broken down old tree with much ivy in the crown. Girth of 16′ 6” (503cm) at base including ivy stems. (photo 4)
Male yew at SU2706831706. Thick ivy stems on west side of the tree would reduce its girth of about 13′. (photo 5)

Yew trees at West Tytherley - North Lane:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
3383 West Tytherley - North Lane Ancient 4m-5m 440cm above roots - view more info