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Weston-Under-Penyard churchyard

Tree ID: 843

Yews recorded: Ancient 7m+

Tree girth: 772cm

Girth height: No data

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 4-May-13

Source of earliest mention: 1866: Woolhope Naturalists Field Club Transactions


1866 – Woolhope: Girth of 20′ recorded.
May 2013 – Tim Hills: Between the 1999 and 2013 visits the old shed was replaced. The new shed left a gap sufficient to examine the tree in 2013 and record an approximate girth measurement, keeping the tape low and avoiding new stems that grow away from the main trunk. This appears to be half of the original tree, which must have been vast. It is not known how long ago the tree became hollow and lost half of its bole.
In 2013 I recorded approximately 25′ 4” (772cm).

Yew trees at Weston-Under-Penyard churchyard:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
843 Weston-Under-Penyard churchyard Ancient 7m+ 772cm - view more info