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Wilmington - Sussex

Tree ID: 851

Yews recorded: Ancient 7m+

Tree girth: 915cm

Girth height: No data

Tree sex: Female

Date of visit: 7-Jul-99

Source of earliest mention: 1848: A Topographical Dictionary of England


1994: The girth of 30′ is found in Chetan and Brueton’s The Sacred Yew.
July 1999 – Tim Hills: There has been much debate over whether these two trunk were were once joined as a single tree, which hollowed, split and eventually separated. Both trunks are fluted and have hollow areas. In addition to the props, chains are placed around the branches to prevent further pulling apart. The trunks support a vast spreading canopy.
October 2015 – Peter Norton: The large female yew grows northeast of the porch and can be viewed on Google Maps at 50.817621, 0.190771. Whether it is two trees or one that has separated over generations of growth is not known. The leaning sections are supported by various poles, some of which are too small in diameter to be of any use if the tree decided to move. A chain holds the two pieces together and so aids support, but at the same time this has allowed for distortion to take place as the branches have grown. Both boles are fluted and have hollows within them.
Two young yews grow to the north of this old tree.

Yew trees at Wilmington - Sussex:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
851 Wilmington - Sussex Ancient 7m+ 915cm - view more info