Tree ID: 3542
Yews recorded: Notable
Tree girth: 396cm
Girth height: at 60cm
Tree sex: unspecified
Date of visit: 21-Jun-11
Source of earliest mention: 2011: Peter Norton
Notes:Three yews grow in a line along the south perimeter, a younger yew between these two of similar girth.
To the SW and in the 1st photo is a male with a distorted bole and an active badger sett beneath. Measured at 2′ – where four nails have been hammered in – the girth recorded was 13′ (396cm).
To the SE, seen in the 2nd photo, is a female girthing 13′ (396cm) at the root crown and 12′ 10” (391cm) at 2′.
These two trees have had recent surgery with many branches being clipped back.
Tree ID | Location | Photo | Yews recorded | Girth |
3542 | Wolverton | Notable | 396cm at 60cm - view more info |